Foster Families Adapt and Thrive During COVID-19

Mandi WallisFoster Family, Support Families

The Bier Family on Nora Hope’s adoption day in September

Our plans were to complete the adoption in person, but we were notified just a few days prior to it that it would have to be virtual.  Initially, we were disappointed, but God knew just what we needed, and we really treasure the memories from that morning.  We gathered around the sofa – the same sofa where we had cuddled her from infancy – begging God to protect and provide for her as He saw fit – and via Zoom, we welcomed her as an official Bier.

Melissa Bier, Foster/Adoptive Parent

“Unprecedented” is a word most of us are tired of hearing, but for parents, there may not be a better way to describe how this year has unfolded. In addition to virtual school, canceled sports seasons, and the many other challenges parents have faced, foster families have also had to work through the ups and downs of the foster care system, including:

  • navigating COVID-19 precautions as they welcome new kids into their homes
  • helping children of various ages do facetime visits with their biological families
  • zoom court appointments, sometimes lasting the majority of the day
  • counseling and therapy appointments moved online
  • virtual adoption proceedings

The Biers are one of many foster families who finalized adoptions online this year. After a month-long stay in the NICU, Nora Hope was placed with them in late August 2018 at just four weeks old, her little life nothing short of a miracle.  While there were many challenges the first few months as she fought to overcome things that no child should ever have to endure, there were also many beautiful moments – coos and laughter and bonding with their family. 

Now, an active, healthy 2-year-old, Nora Hope is thriving.  She loves attending preschool, reading books, being outside, and most of all, playing with her older brother and sister! Though her adoption day was definitely unconventional, the Biers are thankful to now be Nora Hope’s forever family.

Want to support families like the Biers? Become a member of the Crossroads NOLA Home Team and provide support for families throughout their fostering journey.