Thanks for joining us for TBRI® Fridays!

We hope these resources below will add to the training you've experienced.

Get tickets for next month’s training

“When you connect to the heart of a child, everything is possible.”

Dr. Karyn Purvis

Learn more from the creators of TBRI® at the Karen Purvis Institute for Child Development at TCU.

Visit KP-ICD to Learn More
Visit KP-ICD's You Tube Channel

The Connected Child

The Connected Child will give you insight into how trauma affects children and how you can parent in a way that promotes healing and trust. Purchase The Connected Child

Visit the Fidget List

We have created an amazon shopping list with the fidgets from the TBRI® Fridays tables. Fidget Shopping List

Greater New Orleans Collaborative for Children

Bring Hope and Healing to Children: Maximize your Impact with TBRI®

Looking to go deeper with TBRI®? Organizations who implement TBRI® often change policy, practice, and decision-making structures to align with TBRI® principles. The GNOCC is made up of organizations who receive additional training and resources as they implement TBRI® and who work together to align policy and practice across the child welfare system.

Become a Collaborative Member

The GNOCC has 6 Areas of Focus:

  • DCFS Staff and Child Placing Agency Employees

  • Judicial Stakeholders

  • Mental & Behavioral Health and the Medical Community

  • Caregivers (Foster/Adoptive/Bio parents involved in the Child Welfare System)

  • Nonprofits, and the Faith-Based Community

  • Educators


Be the FIRST to know about TBRI® Trainings.

What region of the state are you in? *
Which of the following six sectors do you/your organization represent? *