Volunteers Step Up to Support Families During Pandemic

Mandi WallisFoster Family, Support Families

Foster care is not just those families that take in children, it is those people who babysit for foster families, bring them meals, supply them with diapers, and hold their hands when they need it. I want people to know that every family needs a village to surround them and not every family has that. That is why helping in foster care is so important. We can be that village.

Kendra Rich, Foster/Adoptive Parent
This is what a foster family looks like when waiting for a frozen meal delivery! #socialdistancing

“No family should foster alone” is more than just a motto at Crossroads NOLA. Supporting families is a core value that we’ve built much of our work around, and this would not be possible without our incredible network of church partners and volunteers.

In a typical year, we work with our church partners to host respite events for foster families, provide interactive in-person trainings with a meal and fun activities for kids, and utilize volunteers to provide support through meal trains when families welcome new children into their homes. However, when the pandemic began, our team had to quickly rethink our “typical” support services.

Our foster families still had a great need for support and community, but we had to get creative in meeting those needs. Thankfully, our volunteers and donors quickly stepped up, and because of their generosity, we were able to provide:

  • direct financial support to families facing income loss and other financial hardships
  • gift cards to local restaurants for takeout or delivery during quarantine
  • freezer meals prepared and delivered by volunteers, using COVID-19 precautions
3 Day Bag volunteer picking up supplies

Additionally, our church partners stepped up this summer and provided over 400 3 Day Bags for the Department of Children and Family services – no small feat in the midst of a pandemic! Each of these bags is filled with three days worth of essential supplies for kids coming into foster care, allowing foster families to spend time connecting with the new child in their home, vs. worrying about diapers and pjs for their first night. While this annual project looked different because of COVID-19 precautions, our church partners and volunteers were undaunted in their efforts to serve children and families.

We are incredibly thankful for the volunteers, donors, and church partners who make it possible for us to support children and families in our community! These simple but practical acts of service give foster families a little more capacity as they connect with and care for children in their homes, so that no family fosters alone.

Ready to get involved? Volunteer for our Meal Team or join the Home Team as a monthly donor!